Leather and Suede Cleaning in Durham, NC

From cattle skin to lamb, deerskin to pigskin, leather comes in various forms, each with its unique characteristics. At Deluxe Cleaners, we understand the intricacies of leather and offer professional treatment to ensure its longevity and beauty. Our expertise extends to a wide range of leather types, including those derived from buffalo, goats, alligators, snakes, ostriches, kangaroos, oxen, and yaks.

Despite professional treatment, leather may react unpredictably due to factors such as the manufacturer's dyes, the finish or lack thereof, and even antiquing techniques. However, our dedicated cleaning specialists handle these challenges with care and expertise.

Whether your leather item bears stains from makeup, body oils, perspiration, grease, spills, or ink, we possess the knowledge and techniques to effectively address them. Rest assured, we employ reasonable and effective cleaning methods to restore your leather to its original beauty. Even if you have a badly stained leather garment, don't despair. Our Cleaning and Recoloring services can work wonders in salvaging and revitalizing your beloved item.

Bring your leather items to Deluxe Cleaners today and experience the exceptional care and results that have made us a trusted name in the industry.

What About Ink on Leather?

Ballpoint pen ink cannot be removed from painted finishes without removing the surface paint as well.

The solution is: to remove the ink marks, then re-dye or recolor the affected area after ink removal. Color Loss.

Leather Clothes — Durham, NC — Deluxe Cleaners

Why Choose Deluxe Cleaners?

Since 1981, we’ve taken great care to ensure our customers walk out with clean, pressed clothes. Give us a call to discuss your Leather item you need cleaned.

For professional leather & suede cleaning, give our team a call at: (919) 438-0450.

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